• We train and support UCF students and professional writers who provide community creative writing workshops
  • We build and foster community partnerships with public schools, assisted living facilities, foster homes, shelters, and other non-profit agencies
  • We train teachers and staff at facilities in LAP methods and practices

We provide workshops in public schools, residential treatment facilities, prisons, shelters, assisted living facilities, foster homes, and community centers.

The Process

Workshops are offered for one hour each week for twelve weeks. Each week consists of five steps:

  1. First, a mini-lesson on an element of poetry or storytelling
  2. Next, we read an example of that element in a published work
  3. Then we provide a prompt that requires the use of the element
  4. We ask participants to write from their imaginations
  5. We ask participants to read what they’ve written to each other

If funding is available,

  • we collect their work each week, type it up, and return it, so that at the end of the twelve weeks, we can print anthologies or chapbooks of their work
  • we organize a celebration and reading of the writing done during the twelve weeks